#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include "freeling.h"
using namespace std;
// Increase the count of key w in map m, or
// set it to 1 if not found
void add_count (map<wstring,int> &m, const wstring &w) {
map<wstring,int>::iterator p = m.find(w);
// key not found in the map, add it with count=1
if (p==m.end()) m.insert(make_pair(w,1));
// key previously seen, increase count
else ++p->second;
// Do whatever is needed with analyzed sentences
void ProcessSentences(const list<freeling::sentence> &ls) {
// maps to count lemmas
map<wstring,int> lemmas;
map<wstring,int> lemma_bigrams;
// for each sentence in the list
for (list<freeling::sentence>::const_iterator s=ls.begin(); s!=ls.end(); ++s) {
// previous word lemma, for the bigrams
wstring prev=L"";
// for each word in the sentence
for (freeling::sentence::const_iterator w=s->begin(); w!=s->end(); ++w) {
// count an occurrence more for the current word lemma
add_count (lemmas, w->get_lemma());
// count an occurrence more for the pair of previous and current word lemmas.
if (prev!=L"")
add_count(lemma_bigrams, prev+L" "+w->get_lemma());
// move to next word
prev = w->get_lemma();
// once all lemmas and bigrams are counted, output the results
wcout << L"========== LEMMA FREQUENCIES (lemma,freq) ====================" << endl;
for (map<wstring,int>::iterator p=lemmas.begin(); p!=lemmas.end(); ++p)
wcout << p->first << L" " << p->second << endl;
wcout << endl;
wcout << L"========== LEMMA BIGRAM FREQUENCIES (lemma1,lemma2,freq) ==============" << endl;
for (map<wstring,int>::iterator p=lemma_bigrams.begin(); p!=lemma_bigrams.end(); ++p)
wcout << p->first << L" " << p->second << endl;
wcout << endl;
// Set desired options for morphological analyzer
freeling::maco_options my_maco_options (const wstring &lang, const wstring &lpath) {
// create options holder
freeling::maco_options opt(lang);
// Provide files for morphological submodules. Note that it is not necessary
// to set files for modules that will not be used
opt.UserMapFile = L"";
opt.LocutionsFile = lpath + L"locucions.dat";
opt.AffixFile = lpath + L"afixos.dat";
opt.ProbabilityFile = lpath + L"probabilitats.dat";
opt.DictionaryFile = lpath + L"dicc.src";
opt.NPdataFile = lpath + L"np.dat";
opt.PunctuationFile = lpath + L"../common/punct.dat";
return opt;
///////////// MAIN PROGRAM /////////////////////
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
// set locale to an UTF8 compatible locale
// get requested language from arg1, or English if not provided
wstring lang = L"en";
if (argc > 1) lang = freeling::util::string2wstring(argv[1]);
// get installation path to use from arg2, or use /usr/local if not provided
wstring ipath = L"/usr/local";
if (argc > 2) ipath = freeling::util::string2wstring(argv[2]);
// path to language data
wstring lpath = ipath+L"/share/freeling/"+lang+L"/";
// create analyzers
freeling::tokenizer tk(lpath+L"tokenizer.dat");
freeling::splitter sp(lpath+L"splitter.dat");
// create the analyzer with the required set of maco_options
freeling::maco_options opt = my_maco_options(lang,lpath);
freeling::maco morfo(opt);
// then, (de)activate required modules
morfo.set_active_options (false, // UserMap
true, // NumbersDetection,
true, // PunctuationDetection,
true, // DatesDetection,
true, // DictionarySearch,
true, // AffixAnalysis,
false, // CompoundAnalysis,
true, // RetokContractions,
true, // MultiwordsDetection,
true, // NERecognition,
false, // QuantitiesDetection,
true); // ProbabilityAssignment
// create a hmm tagger for spanish (with retokenization ability, and forced
// to choose only one tag per word)
freeling::hmm_tagger tagger(lpath+L"tagger.dat", true, FORCE_TAGGER);
// get all input text in a single string
wstring text=L"";
wstring line;
while (getline(wcin,line))
text = text + line + L"\n";
// tokenize input line into a list of words
list<freeling::word> lw = tk.tokenize(text);
// accumulate list of words in splitter buffer, returning a list of sentences.
list<freeling::sentence> ls = sp.split(lw);
// perform morphosyntactic analysis and disambiguation
// do whatever is needed with processed sentences