#include <iostream>
#include "freeling.h"
#include "freeling/morfo/analyzer.h"
#include "freeling/output/output_conll.h"
using namespace std;
// Load an ad-hoc set of configuration options
freeling::analyzer::config_options fill_config(const wstring &lang, const wstring &ipath) {
freeling::analyzer::config_options cfg;
// Language of text to process
cfg.Lang = lang;
// path to language specific data
wstring lpath = ipath + L"/share/freeling/" + cfg.Lang + L"/";
// Tokenizer configuration file
cfg.TOK_TokenizerFile = lpath + L"tokenizer.dat";
// Splitter configuration file
cfg.SPLIT_SplitterFile = lpath + L"splitter.dat";
// Morphological analyzer options
cfg.MACO_Decimal = L".";
cfg.MACO_Thousand = L",";
cfg.MACO_LocutionsFile = lpath + L"locucions.dat";
cfg.MACO_QuantitiesFile = lpath + L"quantities.dat";
cfg.MACO_AffixFile = lpath + L"afixos.dat";
cfg.MACO_ProbabilityFile = lpath + L"probabilitats.dat";
cfg.MACO_DictionaryFile = lpath + L"dicc.src";
cfg.MACO_NPDataFile = lpath + L"np.dat";
cfg.MACO_PunctuationFile = lpath + L"../common/punct.dat";
cfg.MACO_ProbabilityThreshold = 0.001;
// Sense annotator and WSD config files
cfg.SENSE_ConfigFile = lpath + L"senses.dat";
cfg.UKB_ConfigFile = lpath + L"ukb.dat";
// Tagger options
cfg.TAGGER_HMMFile = lpath + L"tagger.dat";
cfg.TAGGER_ForceSelect = freeling::RETOK;
// Statistical dependency parser & SRL config file
cfg.DEP_TreelerFile = lpath + L"dep_treeler/dependences.dat";
// NEC config file. This module will not be loaded
cfg.NEC_NECFile = L"";
// Chart parser config file. This module will not be loaded
cfg.PARSER_GrammarFile = L"";
// Rule based dependency parser config files. This module will not be loaded
cfg.DEP_TxalaFile = L"";
// Coreference resolution config file. This module will not be loaded
cfg.COREF_CorefFile = L"";
return cfg;
// Load an ad-hoc set of invoke options
freeling::analyzer::invoke_options fill_invoke() {
freeling::analyzer::invoke_options ivk;
// Level of analysis in input and output
ivk.InputLevel = freeling::TEXT;
// We can not request higher analysis levels (e.g. coreference) because
// we didn't load the needed modules.
// But we can use this option to lowe the analysis level at will during
// our application execution.
ivk.OutputLevel = freeling::DEP;
// activate/deactivate morphological analyzer modules
ivk.MACO_UserMap = false;
ivk.MACO_AffixAnalysis = true;
ivk.MACO_MultiwordsDetection = true;
ivk.MACO_NumbersDetection = true;
ivk.MACO_PunctuationDetection = true;
ivk.MACO_DatesDetection = true;
ivk.MACO_QuantitiesDetection = true;
ivk.MACO_DictionarySearch = true;
ivk.MACO_ProbabilityAssignment = true;
ivk.MACO_CompoundAnalysis = false;
ivk.MACO_NERecognition = true;
ivk.MACO_RetokContractions = false;
ivk.SENSE_WSD_which = freeling::UKB;
ivk.TAGGER_which = freeling::HMM;
// since we only created dep_treeler parser, we can not set the parser to use to another one.
// If we had loaded both parsers, we could change the used parsed at will with this option
ivk.DEP_which = freeling::TREELER;
// since we did not load the module, setting this to true would trigger an error.
// if the module was created, we could activate/deactivate it at will with this option.
ivk.NEC_NEClassification = false;
return ivk;
///////////// MAIN PROGRAM /////////////////////
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
// set locale to an UTF8 compatible locale
// get requested language from arg1, or English if not provided
wstring lang = L"en";
if (argc > 1) lang = freeling::util::string2wstring(argv[1]);
// get installation path to use from arg2, or use /usr/local if not provided
wstring ipath = L"/usr/local";
if (argc > 2) ipath = freeling::util::string2wstring(argv[2]);
// set config options (which modules to create, with which configuration)
freeling::analyzer::config_options cfg = fill_config(lang, ipath);
// create analyzer
freeling::analyzer anlz(cfg);
// set invoke options (which modules to use. Can be changed in run time)
freeling::analyzer::invoke_options ivk = fill_invoke();
// load invoke options into analyzer
// load document to analyze
wstring text;
wstring line;
while (getline(wcin,line))
text = text + line + L"\n";
// analyze text, leave result in ls
list<freeling::sentence> ls;
// Create output handler and select desired output
freeling::io::output_conll out(L"out1.cfg");
// print analysis results in conll format